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A Spotlight on Sustainability at LOPEC 2024
At LOPEC 2024, sustainability is the overarching theme. The potential impact of the printed electronics industry is very broad and deep. Environmental sustainability and circularity are topics that are clearly within the scope of research and product development of companies and institutes. Here are some sustainability highlights at LOPEC Conference that you really want to mark your calendar for:
Tuesday, March 5:
» Short Course, 09:15
Towards Sustainable Ink by Corinne Versini, GenesInk, FR
» Short Course, 10:30 Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 3D Electronic structured by Dr.
Steffen Scholz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE
» Invited Lecture, 14:00 Independent and Reliable Green Energy from Flexible Organic PV
Modules by Martin Hermenau, Heliatek, DE
» Invited Lecture, 15:45 Towards Sustainable Integrated Printed Electronics by Dr. Lionel
Tenchine, IPC, FR
Wednesday, March 6: » Open plenary for all LOPEC visitors, 08:00 Printed Electronics -
Products, Trends and Facts for a Sustainable Future by Dr. Alain
Schumacher, IEE Sensing, LUX
» Panel discussion for all LOPEC visitors, 15:00 Sustainability, Circularity,
and Printed Electronics moderated by Dr. Giovanni Nisato
» Guests: Dr. Jens Hauch, Helmholtz Institut, DE Dr. Katariina Penttilä, Avery Dennison, FI Dr. Erika Rebrosova, Sun Chemical, USA Dr. Pieter Willot, VITO, BE
Thursday, March 7: » Technical Conference session, 14:00 – 16:00
Circular Economy and Green Electronics moderated by Dr Richard Price,
PragmatIC, UK
- Tools for Improving Circularity and Sustainability of Electronics Liisa Hakola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland
- Development and Integration of Flexible Smart Sensors in Textile Finishing Processes for Water Quality Monitoring by Ricardo Martins Campos, CeNTI, Portugal
- Ecotron: Creating Value with Responsible Electronics
- Limitations of Manufacturing PE on Recycling PET Substrates and Strategies to Overcome them in Roll-to-roll Printing for Mass Production of Greener Smart Labels for Food-packaging by Mirko Torres, Printability and Graphic Communications Institute, Canada
More conference and exhibition highlights at LOPEC.com